Liquidity Lock

Instructions for creating Liquidity Locks on ICTO.

Please note: This is currently a beta test version. However, we would like you to create a position with a small amount to prevent operational risks. We're also working hard to catch bugs and make recommendations to some of our app audit partners, so please be patient.

Step 1: Visit to access the ICTO application.

Step 2: From the "Token Locks" menu, access "Liquidity Locks" on the drop-down menu.

In this section, you will see a list of created contracts. Click "New Lock" to create a new lock contract.

Step 3: Enter the poolID information that you created the liquidity on ICPSwap.

The system will list the liquidity pairs you have created. Select the Position you want to lock and click "Create Liquidity Lock".

Click "Lock" and waiting the system message.

Currently, we have 4 specific states for lock contracts, including:

  • Created (not activated): The lock contract has been created successfully, but the Position has not been received due to an error during implementation.

  • Locked: This status indicates that the position has been successfully locked on the smart contract.

  • Unlocked: This status notifies that the lock time has expired, and the position has been unlocked but is still on the smart contract. The Owner can add more lock time or withdraw the position to their wallet.

  • Withdrawn: The locking contract expires, and the user has successfully withdrawn the liquidity position to their wallet.

In addition to specific display information, including the total value of the current position registered with the smart contract, there is also the price ratio and quantity of each token in that pair.

There is also a deposit/withdrawal transaction history of the position for the smart contract.

Please note:

  • On the beta version, we have not yet blackholed (removed the controller of the created smart contract) to prevent the risk of asset loss during the beta test period. Please rest assured that in the official version, the created smart contract will not be managed by any controller to ensure the transparency and safety of the contract.

  • Users will have to manage the Cycles of the contract they created, as we only initialize with a small amount of Cycles. But don't worry because Cycles on Internet Computer are very cheap.

  • A project locking liquidity does not mean the project is safe. They can completely convert all their Tokens to ICP or any other pair. We will add more information to the contract key so you have enough information to consider.

  • This version aims to introduce features to the community to ensure a transparent and safe platform for investors, as well as listen to participants' opinions to further improve this feature before launching officially.

Last updated